TinyUmbrella is a must-have tool for all those iPhone users who jailbreak their iDevices. It does two important things : Requests SHSH signatures for Firmware restores and plays back those signatures enabling iTunes to continue restore.

The latest versions od TinyUmbrella also have some new features like saving SHSH blobs both locally and on Cydia servers, helping iPhone users get rid of recovery mode.

The new version of TinyUmbrella, which is being working on, will bring an amazing feature that will allow you to restore your iDevice without needing iTunes.

Semaphone, developer of TinyUmbrella writes on his blog :

"I’ve been working on a new and improved version of TinyUmbrella that will, among other things, allow you to restore your iDevice without iTunes. With the holiday season and work, this will take me a bit to get working the way I want it. I appreciate your patience and your support. You guys are awesome  No ETAs yet but I’ll post updates here and on twitter".

The improved version of TinyUmbrella will help bypass all errors which pop up during downgrade, update and restoration. Stay tuned to Mod Your Pod for more updates.