ldid (Link Identity Editor)

1) Open a new Finder window and click on "Macintosh HD" or your main

computer hard-drive.

2) Navigate to the path: Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs


Note: For this tutorial, we are going to use the iPhoneOS 3.0.SDK because the latest SDKs don't work (3.1 and 3.1.2).

3) Go into the iPhoneOS3.0.sdk folder and you will see a few files and folders, including - "SDKSettings.plist."

4) Drag "SDKSettings.plist" to your Desktop.

5) Once it is on your Desktop, open it in TextEdit or any othertext editor.

In the plist, you will see it says this:

Change that string to this:

6) Save the .plist and close your text editor. Now, drag the SDKSettings.plist file from your Desktop into the iPhoneOS3.0.sdk folder so that you overwrite it. Finder will ask you to authenticate it, then click on "Replace."

7) Now, open up your XCode project for the app you want to build (restart it if it is already open).

8) Now click on the name of your project so that it is highlighted blue (as shown below).

9) Once you've done that, click on the    button.

10) Now, change your settings to what is highlighted (as shown below).

11) Now, build your project by pressing Command "B" on your keyboard. Make sure the project build is "Release".

12) In the XCode project, go to the "Products" folder on the sidebar and right click on your Click on "Reveal in Finder".

13) Next, drag your application to the Desktop.

14) After that, open up whatever SSH program you use and copy your application to the path "/Applications"

Now open up Terminal and do the following commands:

 ssh root@*IP Address*
password: alpine

Example:ssh root@
Now do the following command:

 ldid -S /Applications/*Application*.app/*Application name* (
 Example: ldid -S /Applications/
15) Now open up GUICache and click "Rebuild"

Now go back to Terminal (in your SSH shell) and type:

chmod -R 755 /Applications/*Application*.app
Example: chmod -R 755 /Applications/

16) Respring your iDevice.

Now your application should be fully functional on your iDevice.

Feel free to ask any questions or queries..