Please only use this for good, ie. backing up your phones SMS database really quickly..

Ok so first off your probably going to need a few things:

Ok so step by step here is what you need to do.

Install putty and find the install location.

C:\Program Files\PuTTY (32-bit)
C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY (64-bit)

Copy "pscp.exe" into C:\Windows\System32.

People don't like going into System32 so here is the explanation for this action. When you use a command prompt in windows it gets all its commands from System32. Therefore when we want to use a command instead of having to navigate to the folder with the putty file in it, we can just type pscp and windows will automaticly look into System32 and find it.

Go to your desktop and right click and create a new text file.

Enter this into the text file.

pscp -pw RootPassword "root@TargetIP:/private/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db" C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\sms.db
Quick explanation: pscp [the putty ssh program] -pw [the password option to log in with] "root[the root login]@TargetIP[the address of the iPhone]:/private/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db" [the location of the sms database inside the iPhones filesystem]C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\sms.db [the location to copy to, your desktop]

Ok, replace "RootPassword" with the password to your iPhone, default is Alpine.

Replace TargetIP with your iPhones IP adress on your wifi network. Note you must be on the same network as your iPhone for it to connect.

Replace YourName with the account on your computer you are logged into with. May be different path for XP users.

It is also essential to set your iPhones network configuration to "Static" so that the IP address remains the same.

Make sure the numbers you put into the options are IDENTICAL to the DHCP options, except the last numbers on the first one. Set the last 2 digits quite high (40-70) to avoid IP conflicts.

Go to file -> save as -> change the file type to All files (*.*) and name it sms.bat

Now run the batch file. You will have a "sms.db" file appear on your desktop.

Install and run the SQLite Database Browser and open the sms.db file with it.

Go to the "Browse Data" tab and from the table drop down list select "message".

There you go , Address is the phone number that the message was sent to / from. The date is obvious. The text is the message sent. Flags, 3 means message was sent FROM that phone. 2 means message was sent TO that phone.

Enjoy, and please use for LEGAL purposes only.