Jay Freeman a.k.a. Saurik, the creator of Cydia, has just bought out his main competitor – Rock Your Phone Inc. Rock.app was gaining popularity for many features that Cydia does not currently have and overall it was a faster installer with a lot of bugs. In fact after a 10 day period any apps that were purchased will be transferred to Cydia store ID authentication, and any big apps or themes currently on Rock.app will be transferred over to Cydia. According to various stats, Rock made a whopping revenue of $3.3 million this year.

Mario Ciabarra, the creator of Rock, commented :

It’s been a fun ride. We set out to change the landscape and I think we were very successful. I think we contributed to attracting more business professionals to the iPhone jailbreak community, and added some great functionality to the platform. The current transaction with Cydia is a great opportunity for us. We’re going to miss some of the excitement, but no reason for anyone to worry. I, personally, will be spending even more time in Intelliborn apps development (both existing and exciting new projects). A few months ago, Jay and I sat down together and we realized, I enjoyed making apps more (and was better at it), while Jay enjoys providing platform functionality. It was a win-win for both groups and we’re excited about the transition.

If you didn’t think the jailbreaking community was essentially a big business like the app store, think again.