Many iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users are facing different iTunes errors while restoring or upgrading to stock, custom iOS 4.3.3 firmware. If you have received 3194 error. There was a bug just like this when iOS 4.3.2 was launched. If you have changed your system’s host file to point to Cydia’s SHSH caching server (probably for downgrading), you wont be able to restore or update to iOS 4.3.3. iTunes gives Error 3194. This is due to a Cydia bug which should be fixed soon. Follow the instructions below for fixing iTunes error 3194 when restoring or updating.

Temporarily, you can fix this by removing Cydia’s SHSH caching server from your host file. This can either done manually by removing Cydia’s IP address from your system’s host file, or by simply using TinyUmbrella.

Fix iTunes Error 3194 When Restoring, Updating To iOS 4.3.3 [How To] :

1) Download the latest version of TinyUmbrella for Windows or Mac and launch it.

2) Switch to Advanced tab and uncheck Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit option.

3) Click on Apply Changes, and restart your PC or Mac.

You should now be able to successfully restore or update your iPhone to iOS 4.3.3 firmware.

Downloads :

Stock iOS 4.3.3 Firmware
Custom iOS 4.3.3  Firmware [Jailbreak-Activated]