The developer prerelease of Widge, a whole new iOS framework designed by Peter Hajas, has opened up a dimension of huge possibilities for developers to develop widgets for the iOS platform. Widge could bring an entire new look and potentially change the way iOS users use their iDevices. Read more about Widge iOS framework below.

But, there are some concerns about the effect of widgets on iDevices :

* Battery life
* Functionality
* The amount of space it takes
* Affect on RAM

Developers have not fully unleashed the potential of this new Widge framework. While there are current concerns at the time they’re all aspects that can be fixed easily by most developers.

More information about Widge, an open-source platform created by Peter Hajas, can be found on his website. Information on what Widge is and how to begin designing and coding with it, read the Developer Prerelease packet here.