Comex has tweeted that he will not wait for Apple to release iOS 4.1 before he releases his new untethered userland jailbreak for iOS 4 and iOS4.0.1.

This doesn’t mean he’s completed his work on the jailbreak of course or that there is any form of release date or ETA for the jailbreak. What it does mean is that he won’t be waiting for iOS 4.1 to tool compatibility with it.


The release date of the next jailbreak is “when it’s done”.

As comex’s new userland jailbreak will be patched out by Apple, potentially in the iOS 4.1 release, All iPhone and iPod touch owners are well advised to back up their iOS 4.0 or 4.0.1 SHSH blobs either through Cydia or using The Firmware Umbrella.  As Apple now ’soft’ signs signatures on iOS4+ for iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G, owners of these devices also need to get their blobs backed up if they want to have the option to restore to iOS4+ firmwares in the future.