With all of the excitement surrounding the Greenpois0n RC5 release, which is really any day now, there have been some mysterious tweets from prominent members of the Chronic Dev Team developing the Greenpois0n jailbreak tool regarding some special features. We would soon see verbose boot and custom boot logos (an image on your iDevice as it boots up) in the upcoming Greenpois0n RC5 release.

Have a look at the tweets below...


@pod2g can we get verbose boot back with your exploit? 

@ven000m if I answer to this, I give some intel

We also have another tweets from people who are known to be working on the Greenpois0n jailbreak tool, like pod2g and p0sixninja. So we might be getting verbose boot and custom boot logos or maybe something entirely different. For those of you who don't know what are verbose boot and custom boot logos, read further.

What is Verbose Boot, Custom boot Logo Support ?

Verbose boot will display everything that happens when the device boots up (check out the  video of verbose Boot in action). A custom boot logo is what shows when you boot up the device (by default, a white Apple logo). Likewise, the custom recovery logo is the “Connect to iTunes” graphic that you see in Recovery Mode.

Why current Greenpois0n do not Support Boot Logo & Verbose Boot ?

Current version of Greenpois0n tool uses the Geohot’s bootrom exploit which is being used as an “injection vector” in order to apply kernel patches (userland jailbreak) to obtain root privileges. Bootlogo’s and verbose boot were not possible in Greenpois0n because the bootchain is actually not touched (LLB and iBoot are being code signed and well). For custom bootlogo’s and/or a verbose boot, you will need a patched iBoot, which you simply just don’t have when you are jailbroken by a userland jailbreak.

What do you think, what will be this surprise in the new Greenpois0n RC5 release ?