Well it turns out that the blocking of Cydia’s servers by UK network. Three may have a simple solution after all. Because the network blocked Cydia as part of the ‘Adult Content’ filtration they do automatically on porn and pirate software sites. Cydia will not be able to be load if you are trying to run Cydia over a 3G network in UK or China. Of course this is going to be dependent on the carrier you are using, but this really came as a surprise to me. Read the article after the jump on how to unblock Cydia on your iPhone on Three UK’s 3G Network.

Unblock Cydia On Three UK’s 3G Network [How To] :

Method #1 :

1) Dial 333 from your iPhone on Three’s network.

2) Ask them to disable "Adult Filtration" for your iPhone.

Method #2 :

Run Cydia on a Wifi network instead of Three's 3G Network. This way you can successfully unblock Cydia on your iPhone with any carrier in any country.

This tip comes via UK tweeter Prenvo who found that by dialing 333 from your mobile on Three’s network and requesting it, they will disable adult filtration for you. Now, you have successfully unblocked Cydia on your iPhone. Apparently the addition of Cydia’s servers to the ‘banned’ list happened accidentally and not as part of an anti-jailbreaking campaign.