Earlier Comex, a member of iPhone Dev Team posted on his Twitter stream a clue to an upcoming jailbreak that hinted to another userland jailbreak (jailbreakme.com). He has again teased us about the iPad 2 jailbreak by saying it's "almost ready". If you visit JailbreakMe.com you will see a picture of a ski slope with a sign labeled PDF. If you remember that last jailbreak created by Comex which was jailbreakMe.com was through a vulnerability with how PDF files can be executed on Apple's iOS firmware. Take a look at Comex's tweet below.

It might be a jailbreak that is hardware-related, which means iOS 5 would not be able to patch the jailbreak. This means Comex is hinting to another userland jailbreak in the near future. However, we anticipate this jailbreak to be untethered.

We have no clear info on the expected ETA of this userland jailbreak but it will be around the corner pretty soon. Please post your valuable comments below.